Observation of superradiant bursts in a cascaded quantum system
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.08940v2
- Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:03:48 GMT
- Title: Observation of superradiant bursts in a cascaded quantum system
- Authors: Christian Liedl, Felix Tebbenjohanns, Constanze Bach, Sebastian
Pucher, Arno Rauschenbeutel, and Philipp Schneeweiss
- Abstract summary: Dicke superradiance describes the collective radiative decay of a fully inverted ensemble of two-level atoms.
We experimentally investigate this effect for a chiral, i.e.,direction-dependent light--matter coupling.
Our results shed light on the collective radiative dynamics of cascaded quantum many-body systems.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Dicke superradiance describes the collective radiative decay of a fully
inverted ensemble of two-level atoms. We experimentally investigate this effect
for a chiral, i.e.,~direction-dependent light--matter coupling. Despite a
fundamentally different interaction Hamiltonian which has a reduced symmetry
compared to the standard Dicke case, we do observe a superradiant burst
emission. The burst occurs above a threshold number of atoms, and its peak
power scales faster with the number of atoms than in the case of free-space
Dicke superradiance. We measure the first-order coherence of the burst emission
and experimentally distinguish two regimes, one dominated by the coherence
induced during the excitation process and the other governed by vacuum
fluctuations. Our results shed light on the collective radiative dynamics of
cascaded quantum many-body systems, i.e., a system in which each quantum
emitter is only driven by light radiated by emitters that are further upstream
in the cascade. Our findings may turn out useful for generating multi-photon
Fock states as a resource for quantum technologies.
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