Weakly-supervised detection of AMD-related lesions in color fundus
images using explainable deep learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.00565v2
- Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2022 15:04:31 GMT
- Title: Weakly-supervised detection of AMD-related lesions in color fundus
images using explainable deep learning
- Authors: Jos\'e Morano, \'Alvaro S. Hervella, Jos\'e Rouco, Jorge Novo, Jos\'e
I. Fern\'andez-Vigo, Marcos Ortega
- Abstract summary: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disorder affecting the macula, a key area of the retina for visual acuity.
We propose an explainable deep learning approach for the diagnosis of AMD via the joint identification of its associated retinal lesions.
- Score: 9.707114016577716
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disorder affecting
the macula, a key area of the retina for visual acuity. Nowadays, it is the
most frequent cause of blindness in developed countries. Although some
promising treatments have been developed, their effectiveness is low in
advanced stages. This emphasizes the importance of large-scale screening
programs. Nevertheless, implementing such programs for AMD is usually
unfeasible, since the population at risk is large and the diagnosis is
challenging. All this motivates the development of automatic methods. In this
sense, several works have achieved positive results for AMD diagnosis using
convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, none incorporates explainability
mechanisms, which limits their use in clinical practice. In that regard, we
propose an explainable deep learning approach for the diagnosis of AMD via the
joint identification of its associated retinal lesions. In our proposal, a CNN
is trained end-to-end for the joint task using image-level labels. The provided
lesion information is of clinical interest, as it allows to assess the
developmental stage of AMD. Additionally, the approach allows to explain the
diagnosis from the identified lesions. This is possible thanks to the use of a
CNN with a custom setting that links the lesions and the diagnosis.
Furthermore, the proposed setting also allows to obtain coarse lesion
segmentation maps in a weakly-supervised way, further improving the
explainability. The training data for the approach can be obtained without much
extra work by clinicians. The experiments conducted demonstrate that our
approach can identify AMD and its associated lesions satisfactorily, while
providing adequate coarse segmentation maps for most common lesions.
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