論文の概要: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Light Control in Intelligent
Transportation Systems
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.03669v1
- Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2023 02:49:12 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-08 15:10:33.692418
- Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Light Control in Intelligent
Transportation Systems
- Title(参考訳): インテリジェント交通システムにおける交通光制御のための深層強化学習
- Authors: Xiao-Yang Liu, Ming Zhu, Sem Borst, and Anwar Walid
- Abstract要約: 道路網におけるリアルタイム交通状況に基づいて信号機を適応的に制御するための,深部強化学習 (DRL) は有望なアプローチである。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 19.318117948342362
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Smart traffic lights in intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) are
envisioned to greatly increase traffic efficiency and reduce congestion. Deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) is a promising approach to adaptively control
traffic lights based on the real-time traffic situation in a road network.
However, conventional methods may suffer from poor scalability. In this paper,
we investigate deep reinforcement learning to control traffic lights, and both
theoretical analysis and numerical experiments show that the intelligent
behavior ``greenwave" (i.e., a vehicle will see a progressive cascade of green
lights, and not have to brake at any intersection) emerges naturally a grid
road network, which is proved to be the optimal policy in an avenue with
multiple cross streets. As a first step, we use two DRL algorithms for the
traffic light control problems in two scenarios. In a single road intersection,
we verify that the deep Q-network (DQN) algorithm delivers a thresholding
policy; and in a grid road network, we adopt the deep deterministic policy
gradient (DDPG) algorithm. Secondly, numerical experiments show that the DQN
algorithm delivers the optimal control, and the DDPG algorithm with passive
observations has the capability to produce on its own a high-level intelligent
behavior in a grid road network, namely, the ``greenwave" policy emerges. We
also verify the ``greenwave" patterns in a $5 \times 10$ grid road network.
Thirdly, the ``greenwave" patterns demonstrate that DRL algorithms produce
favorable solutions since the ``greenwave" policy shown in experiment results
is proved to be optimal in a specified traffic model (an avenue with multiple
cross streets). The delivered policies both in a single road intersection and a
grid road network demonstrate the scalability of DRL algorithms.
- Abstract(参考訳): インテリジェントトランスポートシステム(ITS)におけるスマートトラヒックライトは、交通効率を大幅に向上させ、混雑を低減するために考えられている。
In this paper, we investigate deep reinforcement learning to control traffic lights, and both theoretical analysis and numerical experiments show that the intelligent behavior ``greenwave" (i.e., a vehicle will see a progressive cascade of green lights, and not have to brake at any intersection) emerges naturally a grid road network, which is proved to be the optimal policy in an avenue with multiple cross streets. As a first step, we use two DRL algorithms for the traffic light control problems in two scenarios. In a single road intersection, we verify that the deep Q-network (DQN) algorithm delivers a thresholding policy; and in a grid road network, we adopt the deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) algorithm. Secondly, numerical experiments show that the DQN algorithm delivers the optimal control, and the DDPG algorithm with passive observations has the capability to produce on its own a high-level intelligent behavior in a grid road network, namely, the ``greenwave" policy emerges.
また、5 \times 10$グリッドロードネットワークで ``greenwave" パターンを検証する。
第3に, 実験結果に示された「グリーンウェーブ」ポリシーは, 特定交通モデル(複数道路を横断する道路)において最適であることが証明されたため, DRLアルゴリズムが好ましい解を生成することを示す。
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