Powerful Primitives in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05724v3
- Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 19:53:47 GMT
- Title: Powerful Primitives in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model
- Authors: Mohammed Barhoush and Louis Salvail
- Abstract summary: The bounded quantum storage model aims to achieve security against computationally adversaries that are restricted only with respect to their quantum memories.
We provide information-theoretic secure constructions in this model for the following powerful primitives.
- Score: 0.38073142980732994
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The bounded quantum storage model aims to achieve security against
computationally unbounded adversaries that are restricted only with respect to
their quantum memories. In this work, we provide information-theoretic secure
constructions in this model for the following powerful primitives: (1)
CCA1-secure symmetric key encryption, message authentication codes, and
one-time programs. These schemes require no quantum memory for the honest user,
while they can be made secure against adversaries with arbitrarily large
memories by increasing the transmission length sufficiently. (2) CCA1-secure
asymmetric key encryption, encryption tokens, signatures, signature tokens, and
program broadcast. These schemes are secure against adversaries with roughly
$e^{\sqrt{m}}$ quantum memory where $m$ is the quantum memory required for the
honest user. All of the constructions additionally satisfy notions of
disappearing and unclonable security.
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