On the Effectiveness of Hybrid Mutual Information Estimation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00608v2
- Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 08:53:39 GMT
- Title: On the Effectiveness of Hybrid Mutual Information Estimation
- Authors: Marco Federici, David Ruhe, Patrick Forr\'e
- Abstract summary: Estimating the mutual information from samples from a joint distribution is a challenging problem in science and engineering.
In this work, we realize a variational bound that generalizes both discriminative and generative approaches.
We propose Predictive Quantization (PQ): a simple generative method that can be easily combined with discriminative estimators for minimal computational overhead.
- Score: 1.0312968200748118
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Estimating the mutual information from samples from a joint distribution is a
challenging problem in both science and engineering. In this work, we realize a
variational bound that generalizes both discriminative and generative
approaches. Using this bound, we propose a hybrid method to mitigate their
respective shortcomings. Further, we propose Predictive Quantization (PQ): a
simple generative method that can be easily combined with discriminative
estimators for minimal computational overhead. Our propositions yield a tighter
bound on the information thanks to the reduced variance of the estimator. We
test our methods on a challenging task of correlated high-dimensional Gaussian
distributions and a stochastic process involving a system of free particles
subjected to a fixed energy landscape. Empirical results show that hybrid
methods consistently improved mutual information estimates when compared to the
corresponding discriminative counterpart.
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