Optimizing Variational Circuits for Higher-Order Binary Optimization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16756v1
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:27:06 GMT
- Title: Optimizing Variational Circuits for Higher-Order Binary Optimization
- Authors: Zo\'e Verch\`ere and Sourour Elloumi and Andrea Simonetto
- Abstract summary: We propose new approaches to encode their Hamiltonian into a ready-to-implement circuit involving only two-qubit gates.
We evaluate our approaches by comparing them with the state of the art, showcasing clear gains in terms of circuit depth.
- Score: 2.578242050187029
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Variational quantum algorithms have been advocated as promising candidates to
solve combinatorial optimization problems on near-term quantum computers. Their
methodology involves transforming the optimization problem into a quadratic
unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem. While this transformation
offers flexibility and a ready-to-implement circuit involving only two-qubit
gates, it has been shown to be less than optimal in the number of employed
qubits and circuit depth, especially for polynomial optimization. On the other
hand, strategies based on higher-order binary optimization (HOBO) could save
qubits, but they would introduce additional circuit layers, given the presence
of higher-than-two-qubit gates.
In this paper, we study HOBO problems and propose new approaches to encode
their Hamiltonian into a ready-to-implement circuit involving only two-qubit
gates. Our methodology relies on formulating the circuit design as a
combinatorial optimization problem, in which we seek to minimize circuit depth.
We also propose handy simplifications and heuristics that can solve the circuit
design problem in polynomial time. We evaluate our approaches by comparing them
with the state of the art, showcasing clear gains in terms of circuit depth.
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