Enabling High Performance Debugging for Variational Quantum Algorithms
using Compressed Sensing
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03213v1
- Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 21:35:20 GMT
- Title: Enabling High Performance Debugging for Variational Quantum Algorithms
using Compressed Sensing
- Authors: Kun Liu, Tianyi Hao, and Swamit Tannu
- Abstract summary: Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) can potentially solve practical problems using contemporary Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers.
VQAs find near-optimal solutions in the presence of qubit errors by classically optimizing a loss function computed by parameterized quantum circuits.
- Score: 2.8991059431018398
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) can potentially solve practical
problems using contemporary Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers.
VQAs find near-optimal solutions in the presence of qubit errors by classically
optimizing a loss function computed by parameterized quantum circuits. However,
developing and testing VQAs is challenging due to the limited availability of
quantum hardware, their high error rates, and the significant overhead of
classical simulations. Furthermore, VQA researchers must pick the right
initialization for circuit parameters, utilize suitable classical optimizer
configurations, and deploy appropriate error mitigation methods. Unfortunately,
these tasks are done in an ad-hoc manner today, as there are no software tools
to configure and tune the VQA hyperparameters.
In this paper, we present OSCAR (cOmpressed Sensing based Cost lAndscape
Reconstruction) to help configure: 1) correct initialization, 2) noise
mitigation techniques, and 3) classical optimizers to maximize the quality of
the solution on NISQ hardware. OSCAR enables efficient debugging and
performance tuning by providing users with the loss function landscape without
running thousands of quantum circuits as required by the grid search. Using
OSCAR, we can accurately reconstruct the complete cost landscape with up to
100X speedup. Furthermore, OSCAR can compute an optimizer function query in an
instant by interpolating a computed landscape, thus enabling the trial run of a
VQA configuration with considerably reduced overhead.
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