Contrastive Representation Learning Based on Multiple Node-centered
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- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:04:09 GMT
- Title: Contrastive Representation Learning Based on Multiple Node-centered
- Authors: Dong Li, Wenjun Wang, Minglai Shao, Chen Zhao
- Abstract summary: A single node intuitively has multiple node-centered subgraphs from the whole graph.
We propose a multiple node-centered subgraphs contrastive representation learning method to learn node representation on graphs in a self-supervised way.
- Score: 11.416941835869649
- License:
- Abstract: As the basic element of graph-structured data, node has been recognized as
the main object of study in graph representation learning. A single node
intuitively has multiple node-centered subgraphs from the whole graph (e.g.,
one person in a social network has multiple social circles based on his
different relationships). We study this intuition under the framework of graph
contrastive learning, and propose a multiple node-centered subgraphs
contrastive representation learning method to learn node representation on
graphs in a self-supervised way. Specifically, we carefully design a series of
node-centered regional subgraphs of the central node. Then, the mutual
information between different subgraphs of the same node is maximized by
contrastive loss. Experiments on various real-world datasets and different
downstream tasks demonstrate that our model has achieved state-of-the-art
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