論文の概要: Do Language Models Learn about Legal Entity Types during Pretraining?
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.13092v1
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 18:47:21 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-10-24 01:34:26.177722
- Title: Do Language Models Learn about Legal Entity Types during Pretraining?
- Title(参考訳): 言語モデルは事前訓練中に法的なエンティティタイプを学ぶか?
- Authors: Claire Barale, Michael Rovatsos, Nehal Bhuta
- Abstract要約: Llama2は特定のエンティティでよく機能し、最適化されたプロンプトテンプレートで大幅に改善する可能性を示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 4.604003661048267
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Language Models (LMs) have proven their ability to acquire diverse linguistic
knowledge during the pretraining phase, potentially serving as a valuable
source of incidental supervision for downstream tasks. However, there has been
limited research conducted on the retrieval of domain-specific knowledge, and
specifically legal knowledge. We propose to explore the task of Entity Typing,
serving as a proxy for evaluating legal knowledge as an essential aspect of
text comprehension, and a foundational task to numerous downstream legal NLP
applications. Through systematic evaluation and analysis and two types of
prompting (cloze sentences and QA-based templates) and to clarify the nature of
these acquired cues, we compare diverse types and lengths of entities both
general and domain-specific entities, semantics or syntax signals, and
different LM pretraining corpus (generic and legal-oriented) and architectures
(encoder BERT-based and decoder-only with Llama2). We show that (1) Llama2
performs well on certain entities and exhibits potential for substantial
improvement with optimized prompt templates, (2) law-oriented LMs show
inconsistent performance, possibly due to variations in their training corpus,
(3) LMs demonstrate the ability to type entities even in the case of
multi-token entities, (4) all models struggle with entities belonging to
sub-domains of the law (5) Llama2 appears to frequently overlook syntactic
cues, a shortcoming less present in BERT-based architectures.
- Abstract(参考訳): 言語モデル(lms)は、事前訓練段階で多様な言語知識を得ることが証明されており、下流タスクの付随的な監督の貴重な情報源となる可能性がある。
We show that (1) Llama2 performs well on certain entities and exhibits potential for substantial improvement with optimized prompt templates, (2) law-oriented LMs show inconsistent performance, possibly due to variations in their training corpus, (3) LMs demonstrate the ability to type entities even in the case of multi-token entities, (4) all models struggle with entities belonging to sub-domains of the law (5) Llama2 appears to frequently overlook syntactic cues, a shortcoming less present in BERT-based architectures.
- Large Language Models for Judicial Entity Extraction: A Comparative Study [0.0]
この研究は、Large Language Model Meta AI 3、Mistral、Gemmaを含む最先端のLarge Language Modelアーキテクチャの性能を評価する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2024-07-08T09:49:03Z) - Can Large Language Models Identify Authorship? [16.35265384114857]
1) LLM はゼロショット・エンド・ツー・エンドのオーサシップ検証を効果的に行うことができるか?
2) LLM は,複数の候補作家(例えば,10,20)の著者を正確に帰属させることができるか?
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2024-03-13T03:22:02Z) - Knowledge Plugins: Enhancing Large Language Models for Domain-Specific
Recommendations [50.81844184210381]
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Pretraining? [34.609984453754656]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2023-08-24T16:17:40Z) - One Law, Many Languages: Benchmarking Multilingual Legal Reasoning for Judicial Support [18.810320088441678]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2023-06-15T16:19:15Z) - SAILER: Structure-aware Pre-trained Language Model for Legal Case
Retrieval [75.05173891207214]
本稿では, LEgal ケース検索のための構造対応プレトランザクショナル言語モデルを提案する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2023-04-22T10:47:01Z) - Prompting Language Models for Linguistic Structure [73.11488464916668]
提案手法は, 音声タグ付け, 名前付きエンティティ認識, 文チャンキングについて評価する。
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本稿では, AM2iCo, Adversarial and Multilingual Meaning in Contextを提案する。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2021-04-17T20:23:45Z) - ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained
Language Models via Contrastive Learning [97.10875695679499]
そこで本研究では, ERICA という新たなコントラスト学習フレームワークを提案し, エンティティとその関係をテキストでより深く理解する。
実験の結果,提案する erica フレームワークは文書レベルの言語理解タスクにおいて一貫した改善を実現することがわかった。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-12-30T03:35:22Z)