DiffEnc: Variational Diffusion with a Learned Encoder
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.19789v2
- Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 12:31:18 GMT
- Title: DiffEnc: Variational Diffusion with a Learned Encoder
- Authors: Beatrix M. G. Nielsen, Anders Christensen, Andrea Dittadi, Ole Winther
- Abstract summary: We introduce a data- and depth-dependent mean function in the diffusion process, which leads to a modified diffusion loss.
Our proposed framework, DiffEnc, achieves a statistically significant improvement in likelihood on CIFAR-10.
- Score: 14.045374947755922
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Diffusion models may be viewed as hierarchical variational autoencoders
(VAEs) with two improvements: parameter sharing for the conditional
distributions in the generative process and efficient computation of the loss
as independent terms over the hierarchy. We consider two changes to the
diffusion model that retain these advantages while adding flexibility to the
model. Firstly, we introduce a data- and depth-dependent mean function in the
diffusion process, which leads to a modified diffusion loss. Our proposed
framework, DiffEnc, achieves a statistically significant improvement in
likelihood on CIFAR-10. Secondly, we let the ratio of the noise variance of the
reverse encoder process and the generative process be a free weight parameter
rather than being fixed to 1. This leads to theoretical insights: For a finite
depth hierarchy, the evidence lower bound (ELBO) can be used as an objective
for a weighted diffusion loss approach and for optimizing the noise schedule
specifically for inference. For the infinite-depth hierarchy, on the other
hand, the weight parameter has to be 1 to have a well-defined ELBO.
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