Learning Unknown Intervention Targets in Structural Causal Models from
Heterogeneous Data
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06091v2
- Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2024 11:38:55 GMT
- Title: Learning Unknown Intervention Targets in Structural Causal Models from
Heterogeneous Data
- Authors: Yuqin Yang, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of identifying the unknown intervention targets in structural causal models.
In the presence of latent confounders, the intervention targets among the observed variables cannot be determined uniquely.
Our approach improves upon the state of the art as the returned candidate set is always a subset of the true intervention targets.
- Score: 27.38242139321935
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study the problem of identifying the unknown intervention targets in
structural causal models where we have access to heterogeneous data collected
from multiple environments. The unknown intervention targets are the set of
endogenous variables whose corresponding exogenous noises change across the
environments. We propose a two-phase approach which in the first phase recovers
the exogenous noises corresponding to unknown intervention targets whose
distributions have changed across environments. In the second phase, the
recovered noises are matched with the corresponding endogenous variables. For
the recovery phase, we provide sufficient conditions for learning these
exogenous noises up to some component-wise invertible transformation. For the
matching phase, under the causal sufficiency assumption, we show that the
proposed method uniquely identifies the intervention targets. In the presence
of latent confounders, the intervention targets among the observed variables
cannot be determined uniquely. We provide a candidate intervention target set
which is a superset of the true intervention targets. Our approach improves
upon the state of the art as the returned candidate set is always a subset of
the target set returned by previous work. Moreover, we do not require
restrictive assumptions such as linearity of the causal model or performing
invariance tests to learn whether a distribution is changing across
environments which could be highly sample inefficient. Our experimental results
show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in practice.
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