論文の概要: Sparse Linear Regression and Lattice Problems
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.14645v2
- Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 00:11:13 GMT
- ステータス: 翻訳完了
- システム内更新日: 2025-02-06 14:25:40.679106
- Title: Sparse Linear Regression and Lattice Problems
- Title(参考訳): スパース線形回帰と格子問題
- Authors: Aparna Gupte, Neekon Vafa, Vinod Vaikuntanathan,
- Abstract要約: 格子問題の平均ケース硬度を仮定したSLRw.r.t.の全ての効率的なアルゴリズムの平均ケース硬度を示す。
具体的には,SLR に対する格子上の境界距離復号法 (BDD) 問題の変種からインスタンス・バイ・インスタンス・リダクションを与える。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 8.453845416713385
- License:
- Abstract: Sparse linear regression (SLR) is a well-studied problem in statistics where one is given a design matrix $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and a response vector $y=X\theta^*+w$ for a $k$-sparse vector $\theta^*$ (that is, $\|\theta^*\|_0\leq k$) and small, arbitrary noise $w$, and the goal is to find a $k$-sparse $\widehat{\theta} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ that minimizes the mean squared prediction error $\frac{1}{m}\|X\widehat{\theta}-X\theta^*\|^2_2$. While $\ell_1$-relaxation methods such as basis pursuit, Lasso, and the Dantzig selector solve SLR when the design matrix is well-conditioned, no general algorithm is known, nor is there any formal evidence of hardness in an average-case setting with respect to all efficient algorithms. We give evidence of average-case hardness of SLR w.r.t. all efficient algorithms assuming the worst-case hardness of lattice problems. Specifically, we give an instance-by-instance reduction from a variant of the bounded distance decoding (BDD) problem on lattices to SLR, where the condition number of the lattice basis that defines the BDD instance is directly related to the restricted eigenvalue condition of the design matrix, which characterizes some of the classical statistical-computational gaps for sparse linear regression. Also, by appealing to worst-case to average-case reductions from the world of lattices, this shows hardness for a distribution of SLR instances; while the design matrices are ill-conditioned, the resulting SLR instances are in the identifiable regime. Furthermore, for well-conditioned (essentially) isotropic Gaussian design matrices, where Lasso is known to behave well in the identifiable regime, we show hardness of outputting any good solution in the unidentifiable regime where there are many solutions, assuming the worst-case hardness of standard and well-studied lattice problems.
- Abstract(参考訳): スパース線形回帰 (SLR) は、設計行列 $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ と応答ベクトル $y=X\theta^*+w$ for a $k$-sparse vector $\theta^*+w$ (つまり、$\|\theta^*\|_0\leq k$) と小さな任意のノイズ $w$ を与えられる統計学におけるよく研究された問題であり、目標は、平均二乗予測誤差 $\frac{1}{m}\|\widehat{R}^n$ を最小化する$k$-sparse $\widehat{\theta} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ を見つけることである。
具体的には,SLR に対する格子上の有界距離復号法(BDD)問題の変種からインスタンス単位の減算を与える。そこでは,BDD のインスタンスを定義する格子基底の条件数と設計行列の制限固有値条件との直接的関係が,スパース線形回帰に対する古典的統計計算的ギャップのいくつかを特徴付ける。
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