論文の概要: Capacity of the Hebbian-Hopfield network associative memory
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.01907v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 10:10:23 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-03-06 19:18:54.029455
- Title: Capacity of the Hebbian-Hopfield network associative memory
- Title(参考訳): Hebbian-Hopfieldネットワーク連想メモリの容量
- Authors: Mihailo Stojnic
- Abstract要約: Hop82の引用でHopfieldは、emphHebbianの学習ルールに基づくニューラルネットワークモデルを導入し、連想メモリとして効率的に動作する方法を提案した。
textbfemph(i) AGS one from citeAmiGutSom85; textbfemph(ii) NLT one from citeNewman88,Louk94,Louk94a,Louk97,Tal
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In \cite{Hop82}, Hopfield introduced a \emph{Hebbian} learning rule based
neural network model and suggested how it can efficiently operate as an
associative memory. Studying random binary patterns, he also uncovered that, if
a small fraction of errors is tolerated in the stored patterns retrieval, the
capacity of the network (maximal number of memorized patterns, $m$) scales
linearly with each pattern's size, $n$. Moreover, he famously predicted
$\alpha_c=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{m}{n}\approx 0.14$. We study this very
same scenario with two famous pattern's basins of attraction:
\textbf{\emph{(i)}} The AGS one from \cite{AmiGutSom85}; and
\textbf{\emph{(ii)}} The NLT one from
\cite{Newman88,Louk94,Louk94a,Louk97,Tal98}. Relying on the \emph{fully lifted
random duality theory} (fl RDT) from \cite{Stojnicflrdt23}, we obtain the
following explicit capacity characterizations on the first level of lifting:
\alpha_c^{(AGS,1)} = \left ( \max_{\delta\in \left ( 0,\frac{1}{2}\right )
}\frac{1-2\delta}{\sqrt{2} \mbox{erfinv} \left ( 1-2\delta\right )} -
\frac{2}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\left ( \mbox{erfinv}\left ( 1-2\delta \right )\right
)^2}\right )^2 \approx \mathbf{0.137906} \end{equation}
\alpha_c^{(NLT,1)} = \frac{\mbox{erf}(x)^2}{2x^2}-1+\mbox{erf}(x)^2 \approx
\mathbf{0.129490}, \quad 1-\mbox{erf}(x)^2-
A substantial numerical work gives on the second level of lifting
$\alpha_c^{(AGS,2)} \approx \mathbf{0.138186}$ and $\alpha_c^{(NLT,2)} \approx
\mathbf{0.12979}$, effectively uncovering a remarkably fast lifting
convergence. Moreover, the obtained AGS characterizations exactly match the
replica symmetry based ones of \cite{AmiGutSom85} and the corresponding
symmetry breaking ones of \cite{SteKuh94}.
- Abstract(参考訳): Hopfield は \cite{Hop82} で、学習ルールに基づくニューラルネットワークモデルを導入し、連想メモリとして効率的に動作する方法を提案した。
さらに、彼は$\alpha_c=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{m}{n}\approx 0.14$を予測した。
(i)}} AGS one from \cite{AmiGutSom85}; and \textbf{\emph{
(ii)}} NLT 1 は \cite{Newman88,Louk94,Louk94a,Louk97,Tal98} のものである。
Relying on the \emph{fully lifted random duality theory} (fl RDT) from \cite{Stojnicflrdt23}, we obtain the following explicit capacity characterizations on the first level of lifting: \begin{equation} \alpha_c^{(AGS,1)} = \left ( \max_{\delta\in \left ( 0,\frac{1}{2}\right ) }\frac{1-2\delta}{\sqrt{2} \mbox{erfinv} \left ( 1-2\delta\right )}\frac{2}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\left ( \mbox{erfinv}\left ( 1-2\delta \right )\right )^2}\right )^2 \approx \mathbf{0.137906} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \alpha_c^{(NLT,1)} = \frac{\mbox{erf}(x)^2}{2x^2}-1+\mbox{erf}(x)^2 \approx \mathbf{0.129490}, \quad 1-\mbox{erf}(x)^2\frac{2\mbox{erf}(x)e^{-x^2}}{\sqrt{\pi}x}+\frac{2e^{-2x^2}}{\pi}=0.
\end{equation} 実質的な数値的な研究は、$\alpha_c^{(AGS,2)} \approx \mathbf{0.138186}$と$\alpha_c^{(NLT,2)} \approx \mathbf{0.12979}$をリフトする第二のレベルを与える。
さらに、得られた AGS の特徴づけは、 \cite{AmiGutSom85} のレプリカ対称性に基づくものと、対応する \cite{SteKuh94} の対称性を破るものである。
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