論文の概要: Aggregate Frequency Width, Nuclear Hyperfine Coupling and Jahn-Teller Effect of $Cu^{2+}$ Impurity Ion ESR in $SrLaAlO_4$ Dielectric Resonator at $20$ Millikelvin
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.16315v1
- Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 22:40:36 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-03-26 16:36:48.981679
- Title: Aggregate Frequency Width, Nuclear Hyperfine Coupling and Jahn-Teller Effect of $Cu^{2+}$ Impurity Ion ESR in $SrLaAlO_4$ Dielectric Resonator at $20$ Millikelvin
- Title(参考訳): Aggregate Frequency Width, Nuclear Hyperfine Coupling and Jahn-Teller Effect of $Cu^{2+}$ Impurity Ion ESR in $SrLaAlO_4$ Dielectric Resonator at 20$ Millikelvin
- Authors: M. A. Hosain, J. -M. Le Floch, J. Krupka, M. E. Tobar,
- Abstract要約: 不純物常磁性イオン、$Cu2+$は$SrLaAlO_4$単結晶格子で$Al$を置換する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The impurity paramagnetic ion, $Cu^{2+}$ substitutes $Al$ in the $SrLaAlO_4$ single crystal lattice, this results in a $CuO_6$ elongated octahedron, the resulting measured g-factors shows four-fold axes variation condition. The aggregate frequency width of the electron spin resonance with the required minimum level of impurity concentration has been evaluated in single crystal $SrLaAlO_4$ at $20$ millikelvin. Measured parallel hyperfine constants, $A_{\scriptscriptstyle\parallel Cu}$, were determined to be $-155.7\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1},~ -163.0\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1},~ -178.3\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1} $ and$~-211.1\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1}$ at $9.072~GHz~(WGH_{4,1,1})$ for the nuclear magnetic quantum number $M_I=+\frac{3}{2},+\frac{1}{2},-\frac{1}{2}$,~and$-\frac{3}{2}$ respectively. The anisotropy of the hyperfine structure reveals a characteristics of static Jahn-Teller effect. The second-order-anisotropy-term, $\sim (\frac{spin-orbit~coupling}{10D_q})^2$, is significant and can not be disregarded, with the local strain dominating over the observed Zeeman-anisotropy-energy difference. The Bohr electron magneton, $\beta=9.23\times 10^{-24} JT^{-1}$, (within $-0.43\%$ so-called experimental error) has been found using the measured spin-Hamiltonian parameters. Measured nuclear dipolar hyperfine structure parameter $P_{\scriptscriptstyle\parallel}=12.3\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1}$ shows that the mean inverse third power of the electron distance from the nucleus is $\langle r^{-3}_q\rangle\simeq 5.23$ a.u. for $Cu^{2+}$ ion in the substituted $Al^{3+}$ ion site assuming nuclear electric quadruple moment $Q=-0.211$ barn.
- Abstract(参考訳): 不純物常磁性イオンである$Cu^{2+}$は、$SrLaAlO_4$単結晶格子で$Al$を置換し、この結果、$CuO_6$伸長オクタヘドロンとなり、結果として測定されたg因子は4倍の軸変化状態を示す。
A_{\scriptstyle\parallel Cu}$は、$-155.7\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1},~-163.0\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1} $ and $-211.1\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1}$ at 9.072~GHz~(WGH_{4,1,1})$ for the nuclear magnetic quantum quantum number $M_I=+\frac{3}{2},+\frac{1}{2},-\frac{1}{2},~&-\frac{3}{2}$である。
2階異方性項である $\sim (\frac{spin-orbit~coupling}{10D_q})^2$ は重要で無視できない。
ボーア電子マグネトロン、$\beta=9.23\times 10^{-24} JT^{-1}$($-0.43\%$ と呼ばれる実験誤差を持つ)はスピン-ハミルトンパラメータを用いて発見された。
核双極子双極子構造パラメータ$P_{\scriptstyle\parallel}=12.3\times10^{-4}~cm^{-1}$は、核からの電子距離の平均逆3番目のパワーが$\langle r^{-3}_q\rangle\simeq 5.23$ a.u. for $Cu^{2+}$ ion in the alternatived $Al^{3+}$ ion site assuming nuclear electric quadruple moment $Q=-0.211$ barnであることを示している。
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