Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems and generalizations in long-range interacting systems
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- Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:00:00 GMT
- Title: Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems and generalizations in long-range interacting systems
- Authors: Ruizhi Liu, Jinmin Yi, Shiyu Zhou, Liujun Zou,
- Abstract summary: We establish Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorems and their generalizations in systems with long-range interactions.
We show that, for a quantum spin chain, if the interactions decay fast enough as their ranges increase and the Hamiltonian has an anomalous symmetry, the Hamiltonian cannot have a unique gapped symmetric ground state.
- Score: 3.988840381234705
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- Abstract: In a unified fashion, we establish Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorems and their generalizations in systems with long-range interactions. We show that, for a quantum spin chain, if the interactions decay fast enough as their ranges increase and the Hamiltonian has an anomalous symmetry, the Hamiltonian cannot have a unique gapped symmetric ground state. If the Hamiltonian contains only 2-spin interactions, these theorems hold when the interactions decay faster than $1/r^2$, with $r$ the distance between the two interacting spins. Moreover, any pure state with an anomalous symmetry, which may not be a ground state of any natural Hamiltonian, must be long-range entangled. The symmetries we consider include on-site internal symmetries combined with lattice translation symmetries, and they can also extend to purely internal but non-on-site symmetries. Moreover, these internal symmetries can be discrete or continuous. We explore the applications of the theorems through various examples.
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