A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Albedo Anomalies on the Lunar Surface
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.05832v2
- Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 09:10:09 GMT
- Title: A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Albedo Anomalies on the Lunar Surface
- Authors: Sofia Strukova, Sergei Gleyzer, Patrick Peplowski, Jason P. Terry,
- Abstract summary: This study introduces a data-driven approach using machine learning (ML) techniques to explore and predict albedo anomalies on the Moon's surface.
The primary objective is to identify relationships between chemical elements and albedo, thereby expanding our understanding of planetary surfaces.
We present an interactive analytical tool to visualize prediction errors, delineating their spatial and chemical characteristics.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This study introduces a data-driven approach using machine learning (ML) techniques to explore and predict albedo anomalies on the Moon's surface. The research leverages diverse planetary datasets, including high-spatial-resolution albedo maps and element maps (LPFe, LPK, LPTh, LPTi) derived from laser and gamma-ray measurements. The primary objective is to identify relationships between chemical elements and albedo, thereby expanding our understanding of planetary surfaces and offering predictive capabilities for areas with incomplete datasets. To bridge the gap in resolution between the albedo and element maps, we employ Gaussian blurring techniques, including an innovative adaptive Gaussian blur. Our methodology culminates in the deployment of an Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression Model, optimized to predict full albedo based on elemental composition. Furthermore, we present an interactive analytical tool to visualize prediction errors, delineating their spatial and chemical characteristics. The findings not only pave the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the Moon's surface but also provide a framework for similar studies on other celestial bodies.
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