Causal Representation Learning in Temporal Data via Single-Parent Decoding
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- Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 15:57:50 GMT
- Title: Causal Representation Learning in Temporal Data via Single-Parent Decoding
- Authors: Philippe Brouillard, Sébastien Lachapelle, Julia Kaltenborn, Yaniv Gurwicz, Dhanya Sridhar, Alexandre Drouin, Peer Nowack, Jakob Runge, David Rolnick,
- Abstract summary: Scientific research often seeks to understand the causal structure underlying high-level variables in a system.
Scientists typically collect low-level measurements, such as geographically distributed temperature readings.
We propose a differentiable method, Causal Discovery with Single-parent Decoding, that simultaneously learns the underlying latents and a causal graph over them.
- Score: 66.34294989334728
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- Abstract: Scientific research often seeks to understand the causal structure underlying high-level variables in a system. For example, climate scientists study how phenomena, such as El Ni\~no, affect other climate processes at remote locations across the globe. However, scientists typically collect low-level measurements, such as geographically distributed temperature readings. From these, one needs to learn both a mapping to causally-relevant latent variables, such as a high-level representation of the El Ni\~no phenomenon and other processes, as well as the causal model over them. The challenge is that this task, called causal representation learning, is highly underdetermined from observational data alone, requiring other constraints during learning to resolve the indeterminacies. In this work, we consider a temporal model with a sparsity assumption, namely single-parent decoding: each observed low-level variable is only affected by a single latent variable. Such an assumption is reasonable in many scientific applications that require finding groups of low-level variables, such as extracting regions from geographically gridded measurement data in climate research or capturing brain regions from neural activity data. We demonstrate the identifiability of the resulting model and propose a differentiable method, Causal Discovery with Single-parent Decoding (CDSD), that simultaneously learns the underlying latents and a causal graph over them. We assess the validity of our theoretical results using simulated data and showcase the practical validity of our method in an application to real-world data from the climate science field.
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