Outlier-robust Mean Estimation near the Breakdown Point via Sum-of-Squares
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.14305v1
- Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 16:57:05 GMT
- Title: Outlier-robust Mean Estimation near the Breakdown Point via Sum-of-Squares
- Authors: Hongjie Chen, Deepak Narayanan Sridharan, David Steurer,
- Abstract summary: We give a new analysis of the canonical sum-of-squares program introduced in citekothari2018robust.
We show that this program efficiently achieves optimal error rate for all $varepsilon in[0,frac12)$.
- Score: 4.335413713700667
- License:
- Abstract: We revisit the problem of estimating the mean of a high-dimensional distribution in the presence of an $\varepsilon$-fraction of adversarial outliers. When $\varepsilon$ is at most some sufficiently small constant, previous works can achieve optimal error rate efficiently \cite{diakonikolas2018robustly, kothari2018robust}. As $\varepsilon$ approaches the breakdown point $\frac{1}{2}$, all previous algorithms incur either sub-optimal error rates or exponential running time. In this paper we give a new analysis of the canonical sum-of-squares program introduced in \cite{kothari2018robust} and show that this program efficiently achieves optimal error rate for all $\varepsilon \in[0,\frac{1}{2})$. The key ingredient for our results is a new identifiability proof for robust mean estimation that focuses on the overlap between the distributions instead of their statistical distance as in previous works. We capture this proof within the sum-of-squares proof system, thus obtaining efficient algorithms using the sum-of-squares proofs to algorithms paradigm \cite{raghavendra2018high}.
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