Maximal Steered Coherence in Accelerating Unruh-DeWitt Detectors
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- Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 16:43:26 GMT
- Title: Maximal Steered Coherence in Accelerating Unruh-DeWitt Detectors
- Authors: Hong-Wei Li, Yi-Hao Fan, Shu-Ting Shen, Xiao-Jing Yan, Xi-Yun Li, Wei Zhong, Yu-Bo Sheng, Lan Zhou, Ming-Ming Du,
- Abstract summary: We investigate the influence of Unruh temperature and energy levels on the evolution of maximal steered coherence (MSC)
MSC is strongly dependent on Unruh temperature, exhibiting behaviors ranging from monotonic decline to non-monotonic recovery, depending on the initial state parameter.
These findings offer valuable insights into the intricate relationship between relativistic effects and quantum coherence, with potential applications in developing robust quantum technologies for non-inertial environments.
- Score: 8.763426270674227
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- Abstract: Quantum coherence, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, plays a crucial role in various quantum information tasks. However, preserving coherence under extreme conditions, such as relativistic acceleration, poses significant challenges. In this paper, we investigate the influence of Unruh temperature and energy levels on the evolution of maximal steered coherence (MSC) for different initial states. Our results reveal that MSC is strongly dependent on Unruh temperature, exhibiting behaviors ranging from monotonic decline to non-monotonic recovery, depending on the initial state parameter. Notably, when \Delta=1, MSC is generated as Unruh temperature increases. Additionally, we observe that higher energy levels help preserve or enhance MSC in the presence of Unruh effects. These findings offer valuable insights into the intricate relationship between relativistic effects and quantum coherence, with potential applications in developing robust quantum technologies for non-inertial environments.
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