Physics-informed machine learning for composition-process-property alloy
design: shape memory alloy demonstration
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 22:42:06 GMT
- Title: Physics-informed machine learning for composition-process-property alloy
design: shape memory alloy demonstration
- Authors: Sen Liu (1), Branden B. Kappes (1), Behnam Amin-ahmadi (1), Othmane
Benafan (2), Xiaoli Zhang (1), Aaron P. Stebner (1,3) ((1) Mechanical
Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden (2) Materials and Structures
Division, NASA Glenn Research Center (3) Mechanical Engineering and Materials
Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Abstract summary: Machine learning (ML) is shown to predict new alloys and their performances in a high dimensional, multiple-target-property design space.
A physics-informed featured engineering approach is shown to enable otherwise poorly performing ML models to perform well with the same data.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Machine learning (ML) is shown to predict new alloys and their performances
in a high dimensional, multiple-target-property design space that considers
chemistry, multi-step processing routes, and characterization methodology
variations. A physics-informed featured engineering approach is shown to enable
otherwise poorly performing ML models to perform well with the same data.
Specifically, previously engineered elemental features based on alloy
chemistries are combined with newly engineered heat treatment process features.
The new features result from first transforming the heat treatment parameter
data as it was previously recorded using nonlinear mathematical relationships
known to describe the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations in
alloys. The ability of the ML model to be used for predictive design is
validated using blind predictions. Composition - process - property
relationships for thermal hysteresis of shape memory alloys (SMAs) with complex
microstructures created via multiple
melting-homogenization-solutionization-precipitation processing stage
variations are captured, in addition to the mean transformation temperatures of
the SMAs. The quantitative models of hysteresis exhibited by such highly
processed alloys demonstrate the ability for ML models to design for physical
complexities that have challenged physics-based modeling approaches for
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