A superatom picture of collective nonclassical light emission and dipole
blockade in atom arrays
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.04299v3
- Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 16:45:59 GMT
- Title: A superatom picture of collective nonclassical light emission and dipole
blockade in atom arrays
- Authors: L. A. Williamson and M. O. Borgh and J. Ruostekoski
- Abstract summary: We show that two-time, second-order correlations of scattered photons from planar arrays and chains of atoms display nonclassical features.
For targeted subradiant modes, nonclassical nature of emitted light can be dramatically enhanced even compared with that of a single atom.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We show that two-time, second-order correlations of scattered photons from
planar arrays and chains of atoms display nonclassical features that can be
described by a superatom picture of the canonical single-atom $g_2(\tau)$
resonance fluorescence result. For the superatom, the single-atom linewidth is
replaced by the linewidth of the underlying collective low light-intensity
eigenmode. Strong light-induced dipole-dipole interactions lead to a correlated
response, suppressed joint photon detection events, and dipole blockade that
inhibits multiple excitations of the collective atomic state. For targeted
subradiant modes, nonclassical nature of emitted light can be dramatically
enhanced even compared with that of a single atom.
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