論文の概要: Reducibility and Statistical-Computational Gaps from Secret Leakage
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.08099v2
- Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2020 21:59:41 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-12-02 13:14:31.096739
- Title: Reducibility and Statistical-Computational Gaps from Secret Leakage
- Title(参考訳): シークレットリークからの低減性と統計的計算ギャップ
- Authors: Matthew Brennan, Guy Bresler
- Abstract要約: 我々は, 秘密リークドライドドライド・ドライド(秘密リークドライド・ドライド・ドライド)の若干の一般化が, 様々な新しい平均ケース・リダクション技術をもたらすことを示した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 19.25775832101647
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Inference problems with conjectured statistical-computational gaps are
ubiquitous throughout modern statistics, computer science and statistical
physics. While there has been success evidencing these gaps from the failure of
restricted classes of algorithms, progress towards a more traditional
reduction-based approach to computational complexity in statistical inference
has been limited. Existing reductions have largely been limited to inference
problems with similar structure -- primarily mapping among problems
representable as a sparse submatrix signal plus a noise matrix, which are
similar to the common hardness assumption of planted clique.
The insight in this work is that a slight generalization of the planted
clique conjecture -- secret leakage planted clique -- gives rise to a variety
of new average-case reduction techniques, yielding a web of reductions among
problems with very different structure. Using variants of the planted clique
conjecture for specific forms of secret leakage planted clique, we deduce tight
statistical-computational tradeoffs for a diverse range of problems including
robust sparse mean estimation, mixtures of sparse linear regressions, robust
sparse linear regression, tensor PCA, variants of dense $k$-block stochastic
block models, negatively correlated sparse PCA, semirandom planted dense
subgraph, detection in hidden partition models and a universality principle for
learning sparse mixtures. In particular, a $k$-partite hypergraph variant of
the planted clique conjecture is sufficient to establish all of our
computational lower bounds. Our techniques also reveal novel connections to
combinatorial designs and to random matrix theory. This work gives the first
evidence that an expanded set of hardness assumptions, such as for secret
leakage planted clique, may be a key first step towards a more complete theory
of reductions among statistical problems.
- Abstract(参考訳): 推測された統計計算ギャップを持つ推論問題は、現代の統計学、計算機科学、統計物理学において普遍的である。
Existing reductions have largely been limited to inference problems with similar structure -- primarily mapping among problems representable as a sparse submatrix signal plus a noise matrix, which are similar to the common hardness assumption of planted clique. The insight in this work is that a slight generalization of the planted clique conjecture -- secret leakage planted clique -- gives rise to a variety of new average-case reduction techniques, yielding a web of reductions among problems with very different structure.
Using variants of the planted clique conjecture for specific forms of secret leakage planted clique, we deduce tight statistical-computational tradeoffs for a diverse range of problems including robust sparse mean estimation, mixtures of sparse linear regressions, robust sparse linear regression, tensor PCA, variants of dense $k$-block stochastic block models, negatively correlated sparse PCA, semirandom planted dense subgraph, detection in hidden partition models and a universality principle for learning sparse mixtures.
特に、植込みクリッド予想の$k$-partite ハイパーグラフ変種は、我々の計算下界の全てを確立するのに十分である。
また, 組合せ設計とランダム行列理論との新たな関係を明らかにする。
この研究は、秘密漏洩(secret leak planted clique)のような拡張されたハードネス仮定が、統計問題間の還元のより完全な理論への重要な第一歩であることを示す最初の証拠を与える。
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