Measuring Quantum Superpositions (Or, "It is only the theory which
decides what can be observed.")
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- Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 14:30:56 GMT
- Title: Measuring Quantum Superpositions (Or, "It is only the theory which
decides what can be observed.")
- Authors: Christian de Ronde
- Abstract summary: We argue that the ad hoc introduction of the projection postulate (or measurement rule) can be understood as a necessary requirement coming from a naive empiricist standpoint.
We discuss the general physical conditions for measuring and observing quantum superpositions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this work we attempt to confront the orthodox widespread claim present in
the foundational literature of Quantum Mechanics (QM) according to which
'superpositions are never actually observed in the lab'. In order to do so, we
begin by providing a critical analysis of the famous measurement problem which,
we will argue, was originated by the strict application of the
empirical-positivist requirements to subsume the quantum formalism under their
specific understanding of 'theory'. In this context, the ad hoc introduction of
the projection postulate (or measurement rule) can be understood as a necessary
requirement coming from a naive empiricist standpoint which presupposes that
observations are self evident givens of "common sense" experience --independent
of metaphysical (categorical) presuppositions. We then turn our attention to
two "non-collapse" interpretations of QM --namely, modal and many worlds--
which even though deny that the "collapse" is a real physical process anyhow
retain the measurement rule as a necessary element of the theory. In
contraposition, following Einstein's claim according to which "it is only the
theory which decides what can be observed", we propose a return to the realist
representational understanding of 'physical theories' in which 'observation' is
considered as derived from theoretical presuppositions. It is from this
standpoint that we discuss a new non-classical conceptual representation which
allows us to understand quantum phenomena in an intuitive (anschaulicht)
manner. Leaving behind the projection postulate, we discuss the general
physical conditions for measuring and observing quantum superpositions.
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