Understanding Quantum Mechanics (Beyond Metaphysical Dogmatism and Naive
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.00487v1
- Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 14:40:44 GMT
- Title: Understanding Quantum Mechanics (Beyond Metaphysical Dogmatism and Naive
- Authors: Christian de Ronde
- Abstract summary: We will argue that the reason behind the impossibility to reach a meaningful answer to this question is strictly related to the 20th Century Bohrian-positivist re-foundation of physics.
We will also argue that the possibility of understanding QM is at plain sight, given we return to the original framework of physics in which the meaning of understanding has always been clear.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Quantum Mechanics (QM) has faced deep controversies and debates since its
origin when Werner Heisenberg proposed the first mathematical formalism capable
to operationally account for what had been recently discovered as the new field
of quantum phenomena. Today, even though we have reached a standardized version
of QM which is taught in Universities all around the world, there is still no
consensus regarding the conceptual reference of the theory and, if or if not,
it can refer to something beyond measurement outcomes. In this work we will
argue that the reason behind the impossibility to reach a meaningful answer to
this question is strictly related to the 20th Century Bohrian-positivist
re-foundation of physics which is responsible for having introduced within the
theory of quanta a harmful combination of metaphysical dogmatism and naive
empiricism. We will also argue that the possibility of understanding QM is at
plain sight, given we return to the original framework of physics in which the
meaning of understanding has always been clear.
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