Quantum exploration algorithms for multi-armed bandits
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.07049v2
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:31:01 GMT
- Title: Quantum exploration algorithms for multi-armed bandits
- Authors: Daochen Wang, Xuchen You, Tongyang Li, Andrew M. Childs
- Abstract summary: We show that we can find the best arm with fixed confidence using $tildeObigl(sqrtsum_i=2nDeltasmash-2_ibigr)$ quantum queries.
This algorithm, based on variable-time amplitude amplification and estimation, gives a quadratic speedup compared to the best possible classical result.
- Score: 15.666205208594567
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Identifying the best arm of a multi-armed bandit is a central problem in
bandit optimization. We study a quantum computational version of this problem
with coherent oracle access to states encoding the reward probabilities of each
arm as quantum amplitudes. Specifically, we show that we can find the best arm
with fixed confidence using
$\tilde{O}\bigl(\sqrt{\sum_{i=2}^n\Delta^{\smash{-2}}_i}\bigr)$ quantum
queries, where $\Delta_{i}$ represents the difference between the mean reward
of the best arm and the $i^\text{th}$-best arm. This algorithm, based on
variable-time amplitude amplification and estimation, gives a quadratic speedup
compared to the best possible classical result. We also prove a matching
quantum lower bound (up to poly-logarithmic factors).
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