論文の概要: A finite sample analysis of the benign overfitting phenomenon for ridge
function estimation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.12882v4
- Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:44:26 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-11-22 21:35:53.751008
- Title: A finite sample analysis of the benign overfitting phenomenon for ridge
function estimation
- Title(参考訳): リッジ関数推定のための良性過剰フィッティング現象の有限サンプル解析
- Authors: Emmanuel Caron and Stephane Chretien
- Abstract要約: テキストリッジ型非線形モデルの有限サンプル解析を提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Recent extensive numerical experiments in high scale machine learning have
allowed to uncover a quite counterintuitive phase transition, as a function of
the ratio between the sample size and the number of parameters in the model. As
the number of parameters $p$ approaches the sample size $n$, the generalisation
error increases, but surprisingly, it starts decreasing again past the
threshold $p=n$. This phenomenon, brought to the theoretical community
attention in \cite{belkin2019reconciling}, has been thoroughly investigated
lately, more specifically for simpler models than deep neural networks, such as
the linear model when the parameter is taken to be the minimum norm solution to
the least-squares problem, firstly in the asymptotic regime when $p$ and $n$
tend to infinity, see e.g. \cite{hastie2019surprises}, and recently in the
finite dimensional regime and more specifically for linear models
\cite{bartlett2020benign}, \cite{tsigler2020benign},
\cite{lecue2022geometrical}. In the present paper, we propose a finite sample
analysis of non-linear models of \textit{ridge} type, where we investigate the
\textit{overparametrised regime} of the double descent phenomenon for both the
\textit{estimation problem} and the \textit{prediction} problem. Our results
provide a precise analysis of the distance of the best estimator from the true
parameter as well as a generalisation bound which complements recent works of
\cite{bartlett2020benign} and \cite{chinot2020benign}. Our analysis is based on
tools closely related to the continuous Newton method
\cite{neuberger2007continuous} and a refined quantitative analysis of the
performance in prediction of the minimum $\ell_2$-norm solution.
- Abstract(参考訳): 近年、機械学習における大規模な数値実験により、サンプルサイズとモデルのパラメータ数との比の関数として、非常に直観的な位相遷移が明らかになった。
This phenomenon, brought to the theoretical community attention in \cite{belkin2019reconciling}, has been thoroughly investigated lately, more specifically for simpler models than deep neural networks, such as the linear model when the parameter is taken to be the minimum norm solution to the least-squares problem, firstly in the asymptotic regime when $p$ and $n$ tend to infinity, see e.g. \cite{hastie2019surprises}, and recently in the finite dimensional regime and more specifically for linear models \cite{bartlett2020benign}, \cite{tsigler2020benign}, \cite{lecue2022geometrical}.
そこで,本論文では,2重降下現象の「textit{overparametrised regime}」と「textit{prediction}」の両問題に対する「textit{overparametrised regime}」の非線形モデルの有限サンプル解析を提案する。
この結果は、真パラメータから最適推定器の距離を正確に解析し、また、近年の \cite{bartlett2020benign} と \cite{chinot2020benign} を補完する一般化境界を与える。
我々の分析は、連続ニュートン法であるcite{neuberger2007continuous} と、最小$$\ell_2$-normの解の予測における性能の精密な定量的解析に基づく。
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i) 勾配降下指数アルゴリズムの収束と, (ii) ニューラルネットワークの表現学習に対処する。
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