論文の概要: Accurate Prostate Cancer Detection and Segmentation on Biparametric MRI
using Non-local Mask R-CNN with Histopathological Ground Truth
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.15233v1
- Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 21:07:09 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-02 05:12:31.627750
- Title: Accurate Prostate Cancer Detection and Segmentation on Biparametric MRI
using Non-local Mask R-CNN with Histopathological Ground Truth
- Title(参考訳): 非局所マスクR-CNNと病理組織学的根拠を用いたバイパラメトリックMRIの正確な前立腺癌検出と分画
- Authors: Zhenzhen Dai, Ivan Jambor, Pekka Taimen, Milan Pantelic, Mohamed
Elshaikh, Craig Rogers, Otto Ettala, Peter Bostr\"om, Hannu Aronen, Harri
Merisaari and Ning Wen
- Abstract要約: 我々は,bp-MRIにおける前立腺内病変の検出とセグメンテーションを改善するため,ディープラーニングモデルを開発した。
前立腺切除術をベースとした非局所的なMask R-CNNは、微調整と自己訓練により、すべての評価基準を大幅に改善した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Purpose: We aimed to develop deep machine learning (DL) models to improve the
detection and segmentation of intraprostatic lesions (IL) on bp-MRI by using
whole amount prostatectomy specimen-based delineations. We also aimed to
investigate whether transfer learning and self-training would improve results
with small amount labelled data.
Methods: 158 patients had suspicious lesions delineated on MRI based on
bp-MRI, 64 patients had ILs delineated on MRI based on whole mount
prostatectomy specimen sections, 40 patients were unlabelled. A non-local Mask
R-CNN was proposed to improve the segmentation accuracy. Transfer learning was
investigated by fine-tuning a model trained using MRI-based delineations with
prostatectomy-based delineations. Two label selection strategies were
investigated in self-training. The performance of models was evaluated by 3D
detection rate, dice similarity coefficient (DSC), 95 percentile Hausdrauff (95
HD, mm) and true positive ratio (TPR).
Results: With prostatectomy-based delineations, the non-local Mask R-CNN with
fine-tuning and self-training significantly improved all evaluation metrics.
For the model with the highest detection rate and DSC, 80.5% (33/41) of lesions
in all Gleason Grade Groups (GGG) were detected with DSC of 0.548[0.165], 95 HD
of 5.72[3.17] and TPR of 0.613[0.193]. Among them, 94.7% (18/19) of lesions
with GGG > 2 were detected with DSC of 0.604[0.135], 95 HD of 6.26[3.44] and
TPR of 0.580[0.190].
Conclusion: DL models can achieve high prostate cancer detection and
segmentation accuracy on bp-MRI based on annotations from histologic images. To
further improve the performance, more data with annotations of both MRI and
whole amount prostatectomy specimens are required.
- Abstract(参考訳): 目的:総量 prostatectomy specimen-based delineation を用いて,bp-mri 上の前立腺内病変 (il) の検出と分節化を改善するため,深部機械学習 (dl) モデルの開発を目標とした。
mri-based delineationとprostatectomy-based delineationを用いてトレーニングしたモデルを用いてトランスファーラーニングを微調整した。
モデルの性能は, 3次元検出率, dice類似度係数 (dsc), 95%のhausdrauff (95 hd, mm) およびtrue positive ratio (tpr) を用いて評価した。
結果: prostatectomy-based delineation では,非局所マスクr-cnn の微調整と自己訓練により評価指標が大幅に改善した。
最も検出率が高いモデルでは、Gleason Grade Group(GGG)の80.5%(33/41)が0.548[0.165]、95 HD(5.72[3.17]、TPR(0.613[0.193])で検出された。
そのうち, GGG > 2 病変の94.7% (18/19) が DSC 0.604[0.135], 95 HD 6.26[3.44], TPR 0.580[0.190] で検出された。
結論: DLモデルは, 組織像からのアノテーションに基づいて, bp-MRIの高前立腺癌検出と分画精度を達成できる。
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