Robustness to Spurious Correlations in Text Classification via
Automatically Generated Counterfactuals
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:57:32 GMT
- Title: Robustness to Spurious Correlations in Text Classification via
Automatically Generated Counterfactuals
- Authors: Zhao Wang and Aron Culotta
- Abstract summary: We propose to train a robust text classifier by augmenting the training data with automatically generated counterfactual data.
We show that the robust classifier makes meaningful and trustworthy predictions by emphasizing causal features and de-emphasizing non-causal features.
- Score: 8.827892752465958
- License:
- Abstract: Spurious correlations threaten the validity of statistical classifiers. While
model accuracy may appear high when the test data is from the same distribution
as the training data, it can quickly degrade when the test distribution
changes. For example, it has been shown that classifiers perform poorly when
humans make minor modifications to change the label of an example. One solution
to increase model reliability and generalizability is to identify causal
associations between features and classes. In this paper, we propose to train a
robust text classifier by augmenting the training data with automatically
generated counterfactual data. We first identify likely causal features using a
statistical matching approach. Next, we generate counterfactual samples for the
original training data by substituting causal features with their antonyms and
then assigning opposite labels to the counterfactual samples. Finally, we
combine the original data and counterfactual data to train a robust classifier.
Experiments on two classification tasks show that a traditional classifier
trained on the original data does very poorly on human-generated counterfactual
samples (e.g., 10%-37% drop in accuracy). However, the classifier trained on
the combined data is more robust and performs well on both the original test
data and the counterfactual test data (e.g., 12%-25% increase in accuracy
compared with the traditional classifier). Detailed analysis shows that the
robust classifier makes meaningful and trustworthy predictions by emphasizing
causal features and de-emphasizing non-causal features.
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