Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity and fundamental tests of
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- Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 09:37:42 GMT
- Title: Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity and fundamental tests of
- Authors: Christian Ufrecht, Albert Roura and Wolfgang P. Schleich
- Abstract summary: Light-pulse atom interferometers are highly sensitive to inertial and gravitational effects.
Light-pulse atom interferometers are promising candidates for tests of gravitational physics.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Light-pulse atom interferometers are highly sensitive to inertial and
gravitational effects. As such they are promising candidates for tests of
gravitational physics. In this article the state-of-the-art and proposals for
fundamental tests of gravity are reviewed. They include the measurement of the
gravitational constant $G$, tests of the weak equivalence principle, direct
searches of dark energy and gravitational-wave detection. Particular emphasis
is put on long-time interferometry in microgravity environments accompanied by
an enormous increase of sensitivity. In addition, advantages as well as
disadvantages of Bose-Einstein condensates as atom sources are discussed.
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