Topological Optical Parametric Oscillation
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- Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 04:17:51 GMT
- Title: Topological Optical Parametric Oscillation
- Authors: Arkadev Roy, Midya Parto, Rajveer Nehra, Christian Leefmans, and
Alireza Marandi
- Abstract summary: Topological insulators possess protected boundary states which are robust against disorders.
This work sheds light on the dynamics of weakly nonlinear topological systems driven out of equilibrium.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Topological insulators possess protected boundary states which are robust
against disorders and have immense implications in both fermionic and bosonic
systems. Harnessing these topological effects in non-equilibrium scenarios is
highly desirable and has led to the development of topological lasers. The
topologically protected boundary states usually lie within the bulk bandgap,
and selectively exciting them without inducing instability in the bulk modes of
bosonic systems is challenging. Here, we consider topological parametrically
driven nonlinear resonator arrays that possess complex eigenvalues only in the
edge modes in spite of the uniform pumping. We show parametric oscillation
occurs in the topological boundary modes of one and two-dimensional systems as
well as in the corner modes of a higher-order topological insulator system.
Furthermore, we demonstrate squeezing dynamics below the oscillation threshold,
where the quantum properties of the topological edge modes are robust against
certain disorders. Our work sheds light on the dynamics of weakly nonlinear
topological systems driven out of equilibrium and reveals their intriguing
behavior in the quantum regime.
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