Focus on Impact: Indoor Exploration with Intrinsic Motivation
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 18:00:07 GMT
- Title: Focus on Impact: Indoor Exploration with Intrinsic Motivation
- Authors: Roberto Bigazzi, Federico Landi, Silvia Cascianelli, Lorenzo Baraldi,
Marcella Cornia and Rita Cucchiara
- Abstract summary: In this work, we propose to train a model with a purely intrinsic reward signal to guide exploration.
We include a neural-based density model and replace the traditional count-based regularization with an estimated pseudo-count of previously visited states.
We also show that a robot equipped with the proposed approach seamlessly adapts to point-goal navigation and real-world deployment.
- Score: 45.97756658635314
- License:
- Abstract: Exploration of indoor environments has recently experienced a significant
interest, also thanks to the introduction of deep neural agents built in a
hierarchical fashion and trained with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) on
simulated environments. Current state-of-the-art methods employ a dense
extrinsic reward that requires the complete a priori knowledge of the layout of
the training environment to learn an effective exploration policy. However,
such information is expensive to gather in terms of time and resources. In this
work, we propose to train the model with a purely intrinsic reward signal to
guide exploration, which is based on the impact of the robot's actions on the
environment. So far, impact-based rewards have been employed for simple tasks
and in procedurally generated synthetic environments with countable states.
Since the number of states observable by the agent in realistic indoor
environments is non-countable, we include a neural-based density model and
replace the traditional count-based regularization with an estimated
pseudo-count of previously visited states. The proposed exploration approach
outperforms DRL-based competitors relying on intrinsic rewards and surpasses
the agents trained with a dense extrinsic reward computed with the environment
layouts. We also show that a robot equipped with the proposed approach
seamlessly adapts to point-goal navigation and real-world deployment.
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