論文の概要: Computational Complexity of Normalizing Constants for the Product of
Determinantal Point Processes
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14148v1
- Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2021 14:08:25 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-11-30 19:04:40.907157
- Title: Computational Complexity of Normalizing Constants for the Product of
Determinantal Point Processes
- Title(参考訳): 行列点過程の積に対する正規化定数の計算複雑性
- Authors: Naoto Ohsaka and Tatsuya Matsuoka
- Abstract要約: 正規化定数の計算における計算複雑性について検討する。
例えば、$sum_Sdet(bf A_S,S)p$は、すべての(固定された)正の偶数に対して、$p$ が UP-hard で Mod$_3$P-hard であることを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 12.640283469603357
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider the product of determinantal point processes (DPPs), a point
process whose probability mass is proportional to the product of principal
minors of multiple matrices, as a natural, promising generalization of DPPs. We
study the computational complexity of computing its normalizing constant, which
is among the most essential probabilistic inference tasks. Our
complexity-theoretic results (almost) rule out the existence of efficient
algorithms for this task unless the input matrices are forced to have favorable
structures. In particular, we prove the following:
(1) Computing $\sum_S\det({\bf A}_{S,S})^p$ exactly for every (fixed)
positive even integer $p$ is UP-hard and Mod$_3$P-hard, which gives a negative
answer to an open question posed by Kulesza and Taskar.
(2) $\sum_S\det({\bf A}_{S,S})\det({\bf B}_{S,S})\det({\bf C}_{S,S})$ is
NP-hard to approximate within a factor of $2^{O(|I|^{1-\epsilon})}$ or
$2^{O(n^{1/\epsilon})}$ for any $\epsilon>0$, where $|I|$ is the input size and
$n$ is the order of the input matrix. This result is stronger than the
#P-hardness for the case of two matrices derived by Gillenwater.
(3) There exists a $k^{O(k)}n^{O(1)}$-time algorithm for computing
$\sum_S\det({\bf A}_{S,S})\det({\bf B}_{S,S})$, where $k$ is the maximum rank
of $\bf A$ and $\bf B$ or the treewidth of the graph formed by nonzero entries
of $\bf A$ and $\bf B$. Such parameterized algorithms are said to be
fixed-parameter tractable.
These results can be extended to the fixed-size case. Further, we present two
applications of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms given a matrix $\bf A$ of
treewidth $w$:
(4) We can compute a $2^{\frac{n}{2p-1}}$-approximation to $\sum_S\det({\bf
A}_{S,S})^p$ for any fractional number $p>1$ in $w^{O(wp)}n^{O(1)}$ time.
(5) We can find a $2^{\sqrt n}$-approximation to unconstrained MAP inference
in $w^{O(w\sqrt n)}n^{O(1)}$ time.
- Abstract(参考訳): 行列点過程(Determinantal point process, DPPs)の積は、確率質量が複数の行列の主部分の積に比例する点過程であり、DPPの自然な有望な一般化である。
特に、(1)すべての(固定)正の偶数整数$p$がアップハードで mod$_3$p-hard に対して、$\sum_s\det({\bf a}_{s,s})^p$を正確に計算すると、kulesza と taskar によってなされるオープン質問に対する否定的な答えが得られる。
2)$\sum_s\det({\bf a}_{s,s})\det({\bf b}_{s,s})\det({\bf c}_{s,s})$は$2^{o(|i|^{1-\epsilon})}$または$2^{o(n^{1/\epsilon})}$任意の$\epsilon>0$、ただし$|i|$は入力サイズ、$n$は入力行列の順序である。
(3) $\sum_s\det({\bf a}_{s,s})\det({\bf b}_{s,s})$を計算するための$k^{o(k)}n^{o(1)}$-timeアルゴリズムがあり、ここで$k$は$\bf a$と$\bf b$の最大ランクである。
さらに、行列 $\bf A$ of treewidth $w$: (4)$2^{\frac{n}{2p-1}}$-approximation to $\sum_S\det({\bf A}_{S,S})^p$ for any fractional number $p>1$ in $w^{O(wp)}n^{O(1)}$ time を計算できる。
(5)$w^{o(w\sqrt n)}n^{o(1)}$ time で制約のない写像推論に近似する 2^{\sqrt n}$-approximation を見つけることができる。
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