Predi\c{c}\~ao da Idade Cerebral a partir de Imagens de Resson\^ancia
Magn\'etica utilizando Redes Neurais Convolucionais
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 14:51:45 GMT
- Title: Predi\c{c}\~ao da Idade Cerebral a partir de Imagens de Resson\^ancia
Magn\'etica utilizando Redes Neurais Convolucionais
- Authors: Victor H. R. Oliveira, Augusto Antunes, Alexandre S. Soares, Arthur D.
Reys, Robson Z. J\'unior, Saulo D. S. Pedro, Danilo Silva
- Abstract summary: Deep learning techniques for brain age prediction from magnetic resonance images are investigated.
The identification of biomarkers is useful for detecting an early-stage neurodegenerative process, as well as for predicting age-related or non-age-related cognitive decline.
The best result was obtained by the 2D model, which achieved a mean absolute error of 3.83 years.
- Score: 57.52103125083341
- License:
- Abstract: In this work, deep learning techniques for brain age prediction from magnetic
resonance images are investigated, aiming to assist in the identification of
biomarkers of the natural aging process. The identification of biomarkers is
useful for detecting an early-stage neurodegenerative process, as well as for
predicting age-related or non-age-related cognitive decline. Two techniques are
implemented and compared in this work: a 3D Convolutional Neural Network
applied to the volumetric image and a 2D Convolutional Neural Network applied
to slices from the axial plane, with subsequent fusion of individual
predictions. The best result was obtained by the 2D model, which achieved a
mean absolute error of 3.83 years.
Neste trabalho s\~ao investigadas t\'ecnicas de aprendizado profundo para a
predi\c{c}\~ao da idade cerebral a partir de imagens de resson\^ancia
magn\'etica, visando auxiliar na identifica\c{c}\~ao de biomarcadores do
processo natural de envelhecimento. A identifica\c{c}\~ao de biomarcadores \'e
\'util para a detec\c{c}\~ao de um processo neurodegenerativo em est\'agio
inicial, al\'em de possibilitar prever um decl\'inio cognitivo relacionado ou
n\~ao \`a idade. Duas t\'ecnicas s\~ao implementadas e comparadas neste
trabalho: uma Rede Neural Convolucional 3D aplicada na imagem volum\'etrica e
uma Rede Neural Convolucional 2D aplicada a fatias do plano axial, com
posterior fus\~ao das predi\c{c}\~oes individuais. O melhor resultado foi
obtido pelo modelo 2D, que alcan\c{c}ou um erro m\'edio absoluto de 3.83 anos.
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