Nonequilibrium symmetry-protected topological order: emergence of
semilocal Gibbs ensembles
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- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 12:46:09 GMT
- Title: Nonequilibrium symmetry-protected topological order: emergence of
semilocal Gibbs ensembles
- Authors: Maurizio Fagotti, Vanja Mari\'c, Lenart Zadnik
- Abstract summary: We consider nonequilibrium time evolution in quantum spin chains after a global quench.
Because of them, the stationary state emerging at infinite time can exhibit exceptional features.
Among the exceptional properties, we find that, at late times, the excess of entropy of a spin block triggered by a local perturbation in the initial state grows logarithmically with the subsystem's length.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We consider nonequilibrium time evolution in quantum spin chains after a
global quench. Usually a nonequilibium quantum many-body system locally relaxes
to a (generalised) Gibbs ensemble built from conserved operators with
quasilocal densities. Here we exhibit explicit examples of local Hamiltonians
that possess conservation laws with densities that are not quasilocal but act
as such in the symmetry-restricted space where time evolution occurs. Because
of them, the stationary state emerging at infinite time can exhibit exceptional
features. We focus on a specific example with a spin-flip symmetry, which is
the commonest global symmetry encountered in spin-$1/2$ chains. Among the
exceptional properties, we find that, at late times, the excess of entropy of a
spin block triggered by a local perturbation in the initial state grows
logarithmically with the subsystem's length. We establish a connection with
symmetry-protected topological order in equilibrium at zero temperature and
study the melting of the order induced either by a (symmetry-breaking) rotation
of the initial state or by an increase of the temperature.
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