論文の概要: Semiclassical strong-field theory of phase delays in $\omega -2\omega$
above-threshold ionization
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04084v1
- Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 12:16:03 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-02-01 21:51:32.261887
- Title: Semiclassical strong-field theory of phase delays in $\omega -2\omega$
above-threshold ionization
- Title(参考訳): 位相遅延の半古典的強場理論 : $\omega -2\omega$ 以上のイオン化
- Authors: Diego G. Arb\'o, Sebasti\'an D. L\'opez and Joachim Burgd\"orfer
- Abstract要約: 電子放出における位相遅延の半古典的強磁場記述を$omega -2omega$セッティングで示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- Abstract: Phase and time delays of atomic above-threshold ionization were recently
experimentally explored in an $\omega -2\omega$ setting [Zipp et al, Optica 1,
361 (2014)]. The phases of wavepackets ejected from argon by a strong $2\omega$
pulse were probed as a function of the relative phase of a weaker $\omega$
probe pulse. Numerical simulations solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger
equation (TDSE) displayed a sensitive dependence of the doubly differential
momentum distribution on the relative phase between the $\omega$ and $2\omega$
fields. Moreover, a surprisingly strong variation of the extracted phase delays
on the intensity of the probe pulse was found. We present a semiclassical
strong-field description of the phase delays in the emission of electrons in an
$\omega -2\omega$ setting and apply it to atomic hydrogen. Non-perturbative
effects in both the $2\omega$ pump and the $\omega$ probe field are included.
The semiclassical description allows tracing phase delays to path interferences
between emission during different points in time of emission within the
temporal unit cell of the two-color laser field. We find good agreement between
the semiclassical saddle-point approximation, the full strong field
approximation (SFA), and previous results applicable in the perturbative limit
of probe fields. We show that the RABBIT-like perturbative description of phase
delays breaks down for stronger fields and higher-energy electron emission. In
this regime, characterization of the ionization signal requires an entire
ensemble of phase delays {$\delta_i(E)$} with $i=1,2,\ldots$ the difference in
photon numbers of the strong $2\omega$ field involved in the interfering paths.
Comparison between SFA and TDSE calculations reveals the influence of the
Coulomb field even in this strong-field scenario.
- Abstract(参考訳): 原子-閾値イオン化の位相および時間遅延は、最近$\omega -2\omega$ set [Zipp et al, Optica 1, 361 (2014)]で実験的に検討された。
時間依存schr\"{o}dinger方程式(tdse)を解いた数値シミュレーションは、$\omega$ と$2\omega$ の間の相対相における2倍微分運動量分布の感度依存性を示した。
我々は、$\omega -2\omega$設定における電子の放出の位相遅延を半古典的強磁場で記述し、それを原子水素に適用する。
半古典的サドル点近似, 全強磁場近似 (SFA) と, プローブ場の摂動限界に適用できる前の結果との間には, 良好な一致が得られた。
この状態において、イオン化信号の特徴付けには、干渉経路にかかわる2.\omega$フィールドの光子数の違いを$i=1,2,\ldots$で、位相遅延 {$\delta_i(E)$} の全アンサンブルが必要である。
sfa と tdse の計算の比較は、この強磁場シナリオにおいてもクーロン場の影響を示している。
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