Phase estimation of Mach-Zehnder interferometer via Laguerre excitation
squeezed state
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 10:14:43 GMT
- Title: Phase estimation of Mach-Zehnder interferometer via Laguerre excitation
squeezed state
- Authors: Zekun Zhao, Huan Zhang, Yibing Huang, Liyun Hu
- Abstract summary: We introduce a kind of non-Gaussian state, Laguerre squeezed excitation state as input of traditional Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
We consider the effects of both internal and external losses on phase estimation by using quantum Fisher information and parity detection.
- Score: 7.488329113191202
- License:
- Abstract: Quantum metrology has an important role in the fields of quantum optics and
quantum information processing. Here we introduce a kind of non-Gaussian state,
Laguerre excitation squeezed state as input of traditional Mach-Zehnder
interferometer to examine phase estimation in realistic case. We consider the
effects of both internal and external losses on phase estimation by using
quantum Fisher information and parity detection. It is shown that the external
loss presents a bigger effect than the internal one. The phase sensitivity and
the quantum Fisher information can be improved by increasing the photon number
and even surpass the ideal phase sensitivity by two-mode squeezed vacuum in a
certain region of phase shift for realistic case.
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