論文の概要: Quantum critical behaviors and decoherence of weakly coupled quantum
Ising models within an isolated global system
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.06523v1
- Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 09:54:02 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-26 17:06:49.451404
- Title: Quantum critical behaviors and decoherence of weakly coupled quantum
Ising models within an isolated global system
- Title(参考訳): 孤立した大域系における弱結合量子イジングモデルの量子臨界挙動とデコヒーレンス
- Authors: Alessio Franchi, Andrea Pelissetto, Ettore Vicari
- Abstract要約: 弱結合相補部Eの状態に対する量子相関とデコヒーレンス率の依存性について検討する。
特に、E の状態に依存する異なるスケーリングの挙動は、サブシステム S のデコヒーレンスに対して観察される。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We discuss the quantum dynamics of an isolated composite system consisting of
weakly interacting many-body subsystems. We focus on one of the subsystems, S,
and study the dependence of its quantum correlations and decoherence rate on
the state of the weakly-coupled complementary part E, which represents the
environment. As a theoretical laboratory, we consider a composite system made
of two stacked quantum Ising chains, locally and homogeneously weakly coupled.
One of the chains is identified with the subsystem S under scrutiny, and the
other one with the environment E. We investigate the behavior of S at
equilibrium, when the global system is in its ground state, and under
out-of-equilibrium conditions, when the global system evolves unitarily after a
soft quench of the coupling between S and E. When S develops quantum critical
correlations in the weak-coupling regime, the associated scaling behavior
crucially depends on the quantum state of E whether it is characterized by
short-range correlations (analogous to those characterizing disordered phases
in closed systems), algebraically decaying correlations (typical of critical
systems), or long-range correlations (typical of magnetized ordered phases). In
particular, different scaling behaviors, depending on the state of E, are
observed for the decoherence of the subsystem S, as demonstrated by the
different power-law divergences of the decoherence susceptibility that
quantifies the sensitivity of the coherence to the interaction with E.
- Abstract(参考訳): 弱相互作用多体サブシステムからなる分離合成系の量子力学について論じる。
理論実験として, 量子イジング鎖を2つ積み重ねて, 局所的および均質に弱結合した合成系を考える。
One of the chains is identified with the subsystem S under scrutiny, and the other one with the environment E. We investigate the behavior of S at equilibrium, when the global system is in its ground state, and under out-of-equilibrium conditions, when the global system evolves unitarily after a soft quench of the coupling between S and E. When S develops quantum critical correlations in the weak-coupling regime, the associated scaling behavior crucially depends on the quantum state of E whether it is characterized by short-range correlations (analogous to those characterizing disordered phases in closed systems), algebraically decaying correlations (typical of critical systems), or long-range correlations (typical of magnetized ordered phases).
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