Non-Linear Correlation Functions and Zero-Point Energy Flow in Mixed
Quantum-Classical Semiclassical Dynamics
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- Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 14:21:31 GMT
- Title: Non-Linear Correlation Functions and Zero-Point Energy Flow in Mixed
Quantum-Classical Semiclassical Dynamics
- Authors: Shreyas Malpathak and Nandini Ananth
- Abstract summary: Mixed Quantum Classical (MQC)-IVR is a recently introduced semiclassical framework that allows for selective quantization of the modes of a complex system.
In the quantum limit, MQC reproduces the semiclassical Double Herman-Kluk results, accurately capturing nuclear quantum coherences and zero-point energy.
However, in the classical limit, while MQC mimics the Husimi-IVR for real-time correlation functions with linear operators, it is significantly less accurate for non-linear correlation functions with errors even at time zero.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Mixed Quantum Classical (MQC)-IVR is a recently introduced semiclassical
framework that allows for selective quantization of the modes of a complex
system. In the quantum limit, MQC reproduces the semiclassical Double
Herman-Kluk IVR results, accurately capturing nuclear quantum coherences and
conserving zero-point energy. However, in the classical limit, while MQC mimics
the Husimi-IVR for real-time correlation functions with linear operators, it is
significantly less accurate for non-linear correlation functions with errors
even at time zero. Here, we identify the origin of this discrepancy in the MQC
formulation and propose a modification. We analytically show that the modified
MQC approach is exact for all correlation functions at time zero, and in a
study of zero-point energy (ZPE) flow, we numerically demonstrate that it
correctly obtains the quantum and classical limits as a function of time.
Interestingly, while classical-limit MQC simulations show the expected,
unphysical ZPE leakage, we find it is possible to predict and even modify the
direction of ZPE flow through selective quantization of the system, with the
quantum-limit modes accepting energy additions but preserving the minimum
quantum mechanically required energy.
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