PANSATZ: Pulse-based Ansatz for Variational Quantum Algorithms
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- Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 14:31:34 GMT
- Title: PANSATZ: Pulse-based Ansatz for Variational Quantum Algorithms
- Authors: Dekel Meirom, Steven H. Frankel
- Abstract summary: We develop and implement a novel pulse-based ansatz for noisy quantum computers.
We find the ground-state energy associated with the electron configuration problem.
We show that this ansatz has structured adaptivity to the entanglement level required by the problem.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We develop and implement a novel pulse-based ansatz, which we call PANSATZ,
for more efficient and accurate implementations of variational quantum
algorithms (VQAs) on today's noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers.
Our approach is applied to quantum chemistry. Specifically, finding the
ground-state energy associated with the electron configuration problem, using
the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm for several molecules. We
manage to achieve chemical accuracy both in simulation for several molecules
and on one of IBM's NISQ devices for the $H_2$ molecule in the STO-3G basis.
Our results are compared to a gate-based ansatz and show significant latency
reduction - up to $7\times$ shorter ansatz schedules. We also show that this
ansatz has structured adaptivity to the entanglement level required by the
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