Accreditation of Analogue Quantum Simulators
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- Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 17:31:14 GMT
- Title: Accreditation of Analogue Quantum Simulators
- Authors: Andrew Jackson, Theodoros Kapourniotis, Animesh Datta
- Abstract summary: The protocol is ready for immediate usage and practical for the long term.
It builds on the recent theoretical advances of strongly universal Hamiltonians and quantum accreditation.
- Score: 1.7510560590853574
- License:
- Abstract: We present an accreditation protocol for analogue, i.e., continuous-time,
quantum simulators. For a given simulation task, it provides an upper bound on
the variation distance between the probability distributions at the output of
an erroneous and error-free analogue quantum simulator. As its overheads are
independent of the size and nature of the simulation, the protocol is ready for
immediate usage and practical for the long term. It builds on the recent
theoretical advances of strongly universal Hamiltonians and quantum
accreditation as well as experimental progress towards the realisation of
programmable hybrid analogue-digital quantum simulators.
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