論文の概要: A Bi-variant Variational Model for Diffeomorphic Image Registration with
Relaxed Jacobian Determinant Constraints
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02393v1
- Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2023 15:47:06 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-08-07 12:23:28.175626
- Title: A Bi-variant Variational Model for Diffeomorphic Image Registration with
Relaxed Jacobian Determinant Constraints
- Title(参考訳): Relaxed Jacobian Determinant Constraints を用いた二変変分型画像登録モデル
- Authors: Yanyan Li, Ke Chen, Chong Chen, Jianping Zhang
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,ジャコビアン方程式のソフト制約を考慮した新しい二変微分同相画像登録モデルを提案する。
提案アルゴリズムは収束し, 正の制約は相対体積の範囲を制御でき, 精度は損なわれない。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 11.438944084673764
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Diffeomorphic registration has become a powerful approach for seeking a
smooth and invertible spatial transformation between two coordinate systems
which have been measured via the template and reference images. While the
pointwise volume-preserving constraint is effective for some problems, it is
too stringent for many other problems especially when the local deformations
are relatively large, because it may lead to a poor large-deformation for
enforcing local matching.In this paper, we propose a novel bi-variant
diffeomorphic image registration model with the soft constraint of Jacobian
equation, which allows local deformations to shrink and grow in a flexible
range.The Jacobian determinant of the transformation is explicitly controlled
by optimizing the relaxation function. To prevent deformation folding and
enhance the smoothness of deformation, we not only impose a positivity
constraint in optimizing the relaxation function, but also employ a regularizer
to ensure the smoothness of the relaxation function.Furthermore, the positivity
constraint ensures that is as close to one as possible, which helps to obtain a
volume-preserving transformation on average.We further analyze the existence of
the minimizer for the variational model and propose a penalty splitting method
with a multilevel strategy to solve this model. Numerical experiments show that
the proposed algorithm is convergent, and the positivity constraint can control
the range of relative volume and not compromise registration accuracy.
Moreover, the proposed model produces diffeomorphic maps for large deformation,
and achieves better performance compared to the several existing registration
- Abstract(参考訳): diffeomorphic registrationはテンプレートと参照画像を用いて測定された2つの座標系間の滑らかで可逆的な空間変換を求めるための強力なアプローチとなっている。
While the pointwise volume-preserving constraint is effective for some problems, it is too stringent for many other problems especially when the local deformations are relatively large, because it may lead to a poor large-deformation for enforcing local matching.In this paper, we propose a novel bi-variant diffeomorphic image registration model with the soft constraint of Jacobian equation, which allows local deformations to shrink and grow in a flexible range.The Jacobian determinant of the transformation is explicitly controlled by optimizing the relaxation function.
To prevent deformation folding and enhance the smoothness of deformation, we not only impose a positivity constraint in optimizing the relaxation function, but also employ a regularizer to ensure the smoothness of the relaxation function.Furthermore, the positivity constraint ensures that is as close to one as possible, which helps to obtain a volume-preserving transformation on average.We further analyze the existence of the minimizer for the variational model and propose a penalty splitting method with a multilevel strategy to solve this model.
さらに, 提案モデルでは, 大変形に対して二相写像を生成でき, 既存の登録モデルと比較して性能が向上した。
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一般に非常に大規模な凸QPを解くために、我々は2つの効率的なアルゴリズムを設計する。1つは対称ガウス・シーデルに基づく乗算器の交互方向法(tt sGS-ADMM)であり、もう1つは半滑らかニュートン法(tt)によって解かれる部分プロブレムを持つ近似拡張ラグランジアン法(tt pALM)である。
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