The unphysicality of Hilbert spaces
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- Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:59:47 GMT
- Title: The unphysicality of Hilbert spaces
- Authors: Gabriele Carcassi, Francisco Calderon, Christine A. Aidala,
- Abstract summary: We argue that Hilbert spaces are not suitable to represent quantum states mathematically.
The main point of the paper is to raise awareness that results that rely on the completeness of Hilbert spaces may not be physically significant.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We argue that Hilbert spaces are not suitable to represent quantum states mathematically, in the sense that they require properties that are untenable by physical entities. We first demonstrate that the requirements posited by complex inner product spaces are physically justified. We then show that completeness in the infinite-dimensional case requires the inclusion of states with infinite expectations, coordinate transformations that take finite expectations to infinite ones and vice versa, and time evolutions that transform finite expectations to infinite ones in finite time. This means we should be wary of using Hilbert spaces to represent quantum states as they turn a potential infinity into an actual infinity. The main point of the paper, then, is to raise awareness that results that rely on the completeness of Hilbert spaces may not be physically significant. While we do not claim to know what a physically more appropriate closure should be, we note that Schwartz spaces, among other things, guarantee that the expectations of all polynomials of position and momentum are finite, their elements are uniquely identified by these expectations, and they are closed under Fourier transform.
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