Long-time properties of generic Floquet systems are approximately periodic with the driving period
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.05641v2
- Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:11:00 GMT
- Title: Long-time properties of generic Floquet systems are approximately periodic with the driving period
- Authors: Yichen Huang,
- Abstract summary: A Floquet quantum system is governed by a Hamiltonian that is periodic in time.
In almost every Floquet system of arbitrarily large but finite size, discrete time-crystalline behavior does not persist to strictly infinite time.
- Score: 6.907555940790131
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A Floquet quantum system is governed by a Hamiltonian that is periodic in time. Consider the space of piecewise time-independent Floquet systems with (geometrically) local interactions. We prove that for all but a measure zero set of systems in this space, starting from a random product state, many properties (including expectation values of observables and the entanglement entropy of a macroscopically large subsystem) at long times are approximately periodic with the same period as the Hamiltonian. Thus, in almost every Floquet system of arbitrarily large but finite size, discrete time-crystalline behavior does not persist to strictly infinite time.
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