論文の概要: The Maximum Cover with Rotating Field of View
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.15573v1
- Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:06:07 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-09-28 14:04:29.848073
- Title: The Maximum Cover with Rotating Field of View
- Title(参考訳): 回転する視野を持つ最大被覆
- Authors: Igor Potapov, Jason Ralph and Theofilos Triommatis
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,最大被覆面を回転視野で解析するための理論的基礎を提供する。
A_theta(phi)$ が 2-セクタ交叉の特別の場合の解析解を持つことを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.2430809884830318
- License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- Abstract: Imagine a polygon-shaped platform $P$ and only one static spotlight outside
$P$; which direction should the spotlight face to light most of $P$? This
problem occurs in maximising the visibility, as well as in limiting the
uncertainty in localisation problems. More formally, we define the following
maximum cover problem: "Given a convex polygon $P$ and a Field Of View (FOV)
with a given centre and inner angle $\phi$; find the direction (an angle of
rotation $\theta$) of the FOV such that the intersection between the FOV and
$P$ has the maximum area". In this paper, we provide the theoretical foundation
for the analysis of the maximum cover with a rotating field of view. The main
challenge is that the function of the area $A_{\phi}(\theta)$, with the angle
of rotation $\theta$ and the fixed inner angle $\phi$, cannot be approximated
directly. We found an alternative way to express it by various compositions of
a function $A_{\theta}(\phi)$ (with a restricted inner angle $\phi$ and a fixed
direction $\theta$). We show that $A_{\theta}(\phi)$ has an analytical solution
in the special case of a two-sector intersection and later provides a
constrictive solution for the original problem. Since the optimal solution is a
real number, we develop an algorithm that approximates the direction of the
field of view, with precision $\varepsilon$, and complexity
- Abstract(参考訳): ポリゴン型のプラットフォームにp$と、p$以外の静的スポットライトが1つだけあることを想像してみてください。
主な課題は、回転角 $\theta$ と固定内側角 $\phi$ を持つ領域 $a_{\phi}(\theta)$ の関数は直接近似できないことである。
関数 $a_{\theta}(\phi)$(制限された内角 $\phi$ と固定方向 $\theta$)の様々な合成によって表現する方法を見つけた。
A_{\theta}(\phi)$ は 2-セクター交叉の特別の場合において解析解を持ち、後に元の問題に対して制限解を与えることを示す。
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