Exploring Kondo effect by quantum energy teleportation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.15936v1
- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:32:54 GMT
- Title: Exploring Kondo effect by quantum energy teleportation
- Authors: Kazuki Ikeda, Rajeev Singh, Robert-Jan Slager
- Abstract summary: We consider a quantum energy teleportation (QET) method to replicate the phase diagram of a one-dimensional $XXZ$ spin chain.
The energy supplier and receiver are spatially separated from the point impurity and do not interact directly with it.
We show that changes in the gap spacing of the entanglement spectra align with the locations of peaks in both entanglement entropy and energy, as determined by QET.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider a quantum energy teleportation (QET) method to replicate the
phase diagram of a one-dimensional $XXZ$ spin chain featuring a Kondo effect
coupling. In this setup, the energy supplier and receiver are spatially
separated from the point impurity and do not interact directly with it.
Nonetheless, they may successfully generate phase diagrams that closely mirror
those produced via exact diagonalization. This can be achieved using only local
operations on their respective subsystems, supplemented by classical
communication. This feat is made possible due to a critical connection between
the energy obtained through the QET approach and the system's quantum
entanglement entropy. To substantiate these findings, we initially demonstrate
that the quantum entanglement entropy serves as the relevant order parameter
for the system. Intriguingly, changes in the gap spacing of the entanglement
spectra align with the locations of peaks in both entanglement entropy and
energy, as determined by QET. We hypothesize that this theoretical framework
could, for example, be validated experimentally using a one-dimensional chain
of Rydberg atoms.
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