論文の概要: Proportional Representation in Metric Spaces and Low-Distortion
Committee Selection
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.10369v2
- Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 01:57:11 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-01-25 16:55:14.698118
- Title: Proportional Representation in Metric Spaces and Low-Distortion
Committee Selection
- Title(参考訳): 計量空間における比例表現と低歪み委員会選定
- Authors: Yusuf Hakan Kalayci and David Kempe and Vikram Kher
- Abstract要約: ここでは、k 個の点の小さな集合 R が計量空間のより大きな集合の「表現的」であるような新しい定義を導入する。
結果より, 測定値の歪みが44。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 7.4508125914631105
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: We introduce a novel definition for a small set R of k points being
"representative" of a larger set in a metric space. Given a set V (e.g.,
documents or voters) to represent, and a set C of possible representatives, our
criterion requires that for any subset S comprising a theta fraction of V, the
average distance of S to their best theta*k points in R should not be more than
a factor gamma compared to their average distance to the best theta*k points
among all of C. This definition is a strengthening of proportional fairness and
core fairness, but - different from those notions - requires that large
cohesive clusters be represented proportionally to their size.
Since there are instances for which - unless gamma is polynomially large - no
solutions exist, we study this notion in a resource augmentation framework,
implicitly stating the constraints for a set R of size k as though its size
were only k/alpha, for alpha > 1. Furthermore, motivated by the application to
elections, we mostly focus on the "ordinal" model, where the algorithm does not
learn the actual distances; instead, it learns only for each point v in V and
each candidate pairs c, c' which of c, c' is closer to v. Our main result is
that the Expanding Approvals Rule (EAR) of Aziz and Lee is (alpha, gamma)
representative with gamma <= 1 + 6.71 * (alpha)/(alpha-1).
Our results lead to three notable byproducts. First, we show that the EAR
achieves constant proportional fairness in the ordinal model, giving the first
positive result on metric proportional fairness with ordinal information.
Second, we show that for the core fairness objective, the EAR achieves the same
asymptotic tradeoff between resource augmentation and approximation as the
recent results of Li et al., which used full knowledge of the metric. Finally,
our results imply a very simple single-winner voting rule with metric
distortion at most 44.
- Abstract(参考訳): 我々は、計量空間内のより大きな集合の「表現可能」である k 点の小さな集合 r に対する新しい定義を導入する。
Given a set V (e.g., documents or voters) to represent, and a set C of possible representatives, our criterion requires that for any subset S comprising a theta fraction of V, the average distance of S to their best theta*k points in R should not be more than a factor gamma compared to their average distance to the best theta*k points among all of C. This definition is a strengthening of proportional fairness and core fairness, but - different from those notions - requires that large cohesive clusters be represented proportionally to their size.
ガンマが多項式的に大きければ、解は存在しないので、この概念を資源増強フレームワークで研究し、k の集合 R に対する制約を、α > 1 の場合、そのサイズが k/alpha であるかのように暗黙的に記述する。
アルゴリズムは V の各点 v に対してのみ学習し、c, c' の各候補対 c, c' は v に近づき、Aziz と Lee の expanding Approvals Rule (EAR) は gamma <= 1 + 6.71 * (alpha)/(alpha-1) で表される。
まず、 EAR は順序性モデルにおいて一定の比例フェアネスを達成し、順序性情報を用いた計量比例フェアネスの最初の正の値を与える。
第二に, コアフェアネスの目標として, 資源増強と近似の漸近的トレードオフを, li 等が測定値の知識を十分に活用した最近の結果と同等に達成していることを示す。
最後に, 測定値の歪みが最大44。
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