Improved models for ideal Fermi gas and ideal Bose gas using quantum phase space
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- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 14:43:32 GMT
- Title: Improved models for ideal Fermi gas and ideal Bose gas using quantum phase space
- Authors: Rivo Herivola Manjakamanana Ravelonjato, Ravo Tokiniaina Ranaivoson, Raoelina Andriambololona, Roland Raboanary, Naivo Rabesiranana, Solofoarisina Wilfrid Chrysante,
- Abstract summary: It is shown that the improvements can be introduced into the current models of ideal Fermi and ideal gas.
The construction of the improved models is based on the use of the concepts of phase space representation of quantum mechanics.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this work, it is shown that the improvements can be introduced into the current models of ideal Fermi and ideal gas to take into account the quantum nature of phase space related to the uncertainty principle. The construction of the improved models is based on the use of the concepts of phase space representation of quantum mechanics and quantum phase space that were introduced and developed recently. Hamiltonian operator of a gas particle and its eigenstates are firstly determined and the use of quantum statistical mechanics leads to the deduction of the thermodynamics properties of the ideal gas itself. The explicit expressions of thermodynamic quantities such as the grand canonical potential, the thermodynamic particles number, the internal energy, the Von Neumann entropy and the pressure as well as the state equations, corresponding to the improved models, are established for both bosons and fermions. The corrections introduced by these expressions are expected to be particularly significant at low temperature and for confined volume. They permit in particular to highlight the existence of quantum shape and size effects. It is also shown that the thermodynamics functions and variables are directly related to the momenta quantum statistical variances. Well-known relations corresponding to classical ideal gas model can be retrieved from the improved models as asymptotic limits at high temperature and for large volume.
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