Theory of quantum system certification: a tutorial
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- Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:52:54 GMT
- Title: Theory of quantum system certification: a tutorial
- Authors: Martin Kliesch and Ingo Roth
- Abstract summary: This tutorial explains prominent protocols for certifying the physical layer of quantum devices.
We discuss methods of direct quantum state certification, direct fidelity estimation, shadow fidelity estimation, direct quantum process certification, randomized benchmarking and cross-entropy benchmarking.
- Score: 1.583842747998493
- License:
- Abstract: The precise control of complex quantum systems promises numerous
technological applications including digital quantum computing. The complexity
of such devices renders the certification of their correct functioning a
challenge. To address this challenge, numerous methods were developed in the
last decade.
In this tutorial, we explain prominent protocols for certifying the physical
layer of quantum devices described by quantum states and processes. Such
protocols are particularly important in the development of near-term devices.
Specifically, we discuss methods of direct quantum state certification, direct
fidelity estimation, shadow fidelity estimation, direct quantum process
certification, randomized benchmarking and cross-entropy benchmarking.
Moreover, we provide an introduction to powerful mathematical methods, which
are widely used in quantum information theory, in order to derive theoretical
guarantees for the protocols.
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