How Real are Quantum States in $\psi$-ontic Models?
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- Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 11:16:59 GMT
- Title: How Real are Quantum States in $\psi$-ontic Models?
- Authors: Ronnie Hermens
- Abstract summary: A series of relatively recent psi-ontology theorems have been taken to show that, provided one accepts certain assumptions, "quantum states are real"
It is argued that, even if one accepts the framework and assumptions employed by such theorems, such a conclusion is not warranted.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: There is a longstanding debate on the metaphysical relation between quantum
states and the systems they describe. A series of relatively recent
{\psi}-ontology theorems have been taken to show that, provided one accepts
certain assumptions, "quantum states are real". In this paper I investigate the
question of what that claim might be taken to mean in light of these theorems.
It is argued that, even if one accepts the framework and assumptions employed
by such theorems, such a conclusion is not warranted. Specifically, I argue
that when a so-called ontic state is taken to describe the properties of a
system, the relation between this state and some quantum state as established
by {\psi}-ontology theorems, is not of the kind that would warrant counting the
quantum state among these properties in any way.
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