Quantum hardware calculations of periodic systems with
partition-measurement symmetry verification: simplified models of hydrogen
chain and iron crystals
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08401v4
- Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 04:38:41 GMT
- Title: Quantum hardware calculations of periodic systems with
partition-measurement symmetry verification: simplified models of hydrogen
chain and iron crystals
- Authors: Kentaro Yamamoto, David Zsolt Manrique, Irfan Khan, Hideaki Sawada,
David Mu\~noz Ramo
- Abstract summary: We focus on the practical aspect of quantum computational calculations of solid-state crystalline materials based on theory.
We use real quantum hardware with a novel noise mitigation technique referred to as partition-measurement symmetry verification.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Running quantum algorithms on real hardware is essential for understanding
their strengths and limitations, especially in the noisy intermediate scale
quantum (NISQ) era. Herein we focus on the practical aspect of quantum
computational calculations of solid-state crystalline materials based on theory
developed in our group by using real quantum hardware with a novel noise
mitigation technique referred to as partition-measurement symmetry
verification, which performs post-selection of shot counts based on $Z_{2}$ and
$U_{1}$ symmetry verification. We select two periodic systems with different
level of complexity for these calculations. One of them is the distorted
hydrogen chain as an example of very simple systems, and the other one is iron
crystal in the BCC and FCC phases as it is considered to be inaccessible by
using classical computational wavefunction methods. The ground state energies
are evaluated based on the translational quantum subspace expansion (TransQSE)
method for the hydrogen chain, and periodic boundary condition adapted VQE for
our iron models. By applying these techniques for the simplest 2 qubit iron
model systems, the correlation energies obtained by the hardware calculations
agree with those of the state-vector simulations within $\sim$5 kJ/mol.
Although the quantum computational resources used for those experiments are
still limited, the techniques applied to obtain our simplified models will be
applicable in essentially the same manner to more complicated cases as quantum
hardware matures.
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